Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you find the answers you are looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you find the answers you are looking for.

Like anything in life, you will get out what you put in. Together we can discuss the frequency, duration, and length of sessions you feel most comfortable with. Most clients prefer weekly sessions with flexibility to decrease the cadence to every-other-week overtime.  After completion of our initial treatment plan (usually 8-12 sessions), I offer monthly booster sessions for those who wish to continue on longterm.

Initially, I recommend that we meet once per week for about a month, then at least four more times once a week or every-other-week totaling 8 sessions before we determine the progress you have made and weather you would benefit from continued therapy at a weekly, every other week or monthly basis or if you feel your goals have been met and wish to end services. 

Therapy is a wonderful and transformative experience as along as there is a therapeutic alliance that is created. Sometimes creating that alliance can be difficult for various reasons. I always encourage clients to tell me if they are not satisfied so that I may help them find someone who is a better fit. I promise I won’t be offended and welcome honest feedback and assertive communication. I recommend at least 2 sessions to asses what feels right. 

Only if you want me to. If there are concerns that you feel should be communicated directly to your physician, psychiatrist or family I’m happy to do it, but I’ll require you to fill out a Release of Information (ROI) form specifying the type of information you would like me to share. There are some exceptions/limitations on what information is shared and with whom, we can discuss that in greater detail when you begin therapy or you can read through my privacy practices document here.

I’m an out-of-network provider so I don’t take insurance. You can contact your insurance company to find out if they reimburse for out-of-network, mental health services.

It takes years of education, trainings, practice and natural talent to guide sessions in a manner that appears smooth, easy and effortless.  

The amount of cognitive and emotional energy used is unmeasurable at times.  There are many things going on simultaneously under the surface of listening and being present in sessions.  The ability to hold space and be a grounding rod while attuning to someone in extreme pain or fear as they recall their worst moments takes incredible ability and skill to maintain clear thinking, problem solve, and remain calm as compassion and empathy are given, remaining keenly aware of the client’s body language, voice inflection, eye contact, and emotional state, all while knowing how and when to respond, reflect or ask questions. This is all accomplished in the short span of 50 minutes not accounting for the time, energy and effort put in for each client between sessions: reviewing notes, research, trainings, consultations and even time spent considering what therapeutic modality, technique or skills to use or teach next session.